The Tremor of Love (a Poem) by Justin Hew

The tremor of love, sweet—
As a honeysuckle; painful as
I deign inexplicable.
On once a sullen night, blustery—
And the tepid rustle of poplar leaves,
Cascading rivulet, and as night flowed--
I meandered in thoughts and came upon you:
I was lured by your heart,
And implore shall I in askance,
What was in you that moved me so?
What was in you that allayed my heart-frozen cold?
And have me in boiling sweat, of flames augmented manifold?
If it is in you, to be my fate:
Entreat me then, the guidance—
For I know nothing, but my heart quivers
Awaiting, longing, hoping—
 that my cold is abated by you.

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